Grasim Industries Staple Fibre Division, Nagda wins Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2019

Grasim Industries Limited (Staple Fibre Division- Nagda), a flagship company of $ 48.3 billion Aditya Birla Group has been named as the winner of the prestigious Golden Peacock Award for CSR in the Textile and Apparel sector for the year 2019. 

Golden Peacock Awards, instituted by the Institute of Directors (IOD), India in 1991, are now regarded as a benchmark of Corporate Excellence worldwide. Grasim Industries Ltd, SFD , Nagda bagged the 14th Golden Peacock Awards 2019 for CSR in the Textile & Apparel sector, for the project “Integrated Rural Development ”, which highlighted the work done in Watershed management, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture & Horticulture, Community health, Infrastructure development and addressing social issues.

Mrs. Rajashree Birla, Chairperson, Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development, in her address stressed, the criticality of integrating the CSR vision into the business vision. In her words, “At the Aditya Birla Group, Kumar Mangalam, my son and Group Chairman, has mandated compassionate capitalism. He says, Leadership, in every sphere, has to be about compassion. Even in business, we cannot adopt, a system of unbridled capitalism. We have to work, towards a system, of compassionate capitalism, which implies, managing organisations, in a manner, that they work for everyone – employees, shareholders, the community, and the ecosystem. Growth for growth’s sake can never be an end in itself. When we pursue this path, there is increased employee commitment, and customer loyalty, where there is even the willingness, to shell out more bucks. Customer value, is an important link that can in turn, impact financial performance. And of course, the reputational lever, that such a philosophy, provides is beyond compare. In the recent past, there has been a tectonic shift, in the mindsets of business houses, and in the very concept of business. Businesses, have increasingly realised that, they have to earn the respect, and the goodwill, of the society, in which it operates. There is mindfulness, among corporates, on the inequities in society. There is an accent, on a shared vision of development. Businesses have to earn, the license to operate, and this they can do, only by having a purpose, that resonates well with all of its stakeholders”.

Grasim has been one of the pioneers of ‘Make in India’ success stories with its first viscose staple fibre manufacturing plant in Nagda. Right from its inception in 1947, Grasim has been committed to giving back to society, leading to an impressive transformation of Nagda town and its surrounding villages, Grasim’s unrelenting focus has had a significant impact on villagers residing in proximity to the plant, added Mrs. Birla. Over decades, Grasim Industries have provided state-of-the-art education and health facilities at their 3 schools and 2 hospitals.

Mr. Dilip Gaur, Managing Director, Grasim Industries said, “Our aim is to uplift the level of socio-economic status in Nagda and villages in its vicinity. We are working aggressively for the cause of Education, Health Care, Sustainable Livelihood, Infrastructure Development and Women Empowerment at the community level” He informed “The community engagement program at Nagda spans 55 villages and 25 urban slums, reaching out to over 1 lakh people” Hon'ble Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah, Chairman, Institute of Directors and former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India was the Chairman of the Golden Peacock Awards Jury and Justice (Dr.) Arijit Pasayat, former Judge, Supreme Court of India the Co-Chairman of the Golden Peacock Awards. The Award applications are assessed at three levels by Independent Assessors and finally by a Grand Jury.


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